Information technology is a technology that is used to process the data, including processing, obtain, compile, store, manipulate data in different ways to produce quality information, the information is relevant, accurate and timely, which is used for personal, business, and government and is a strategic information for decision making. This technology uses a computer to process the data, the network system to connect one computer to another computer as needed, and the use of telecommunications technology so that data can be distributed and accessed globally.
Development of Information Technology spur a new way of life, from the beginning until the end of life, life as it is known by e-life, meaning of life has been influenced by a variety of electronic needs. And now these are lively with various letters that start with the prefix e, like e-commerce, e-government, e-education, e-library, e-journals, e-medicine, e-laboratory, e-biodiversitiy, and others again based electronics.
Education (e-education)
Globalization has triggered a shift in education from conventional education face toward a more open education (Mukhopadhyay M., 1995). As an example we look at the French project "Flexible Learning". This is reminiscent of Ivan Illich forecast early 70s on "Education without school (Deschooling Socieiy)" which is extreme teacher is no longer needed.
In the Government Sector (e-government)
E-government refers to the use of information technology by the government, such as using the intranet and the Internet, which has the ability to connect the needs of the population, business, and other activities. Could be a business transaction process between the public and the government through system automation and internet networks, more commonly known as the world wide web. At the core of e-government is the use of information technology can improve the relationship between the government and other parties. use of information technology is then produced new forms of relationships such as: G2C (Governmet to Citizen), G2B (Government to Business) and G2G (Government to Government).
Finance and Banking
Currently, many economic actors, especially in the big cities that no longer use cash in payment transactions, but have used modern banking services.
Modern banking services that exist only in the big cities is understandable because of the current economic growth is still concentrated in large cities only, which causes the velocity of money is also concentrated in the big cities. So that the banking sector was rather slow in its expansion into the regions. This is somewhat due to the current state of infrastructure in addition to the geographical aspects of Indonesia's unique and extensive.
To support the successful operations of a financial institution / bank such as banks, certainly needed a reliable information system that can be easily accessed by its clients, which in turn will depend on the technology of information online, for example, a customer can withdraw money wherever it is located as long as No ATM of the bank, or a customer can check balances and transfer money to another account in a matter of minutes, all transactions can be done.
Information and Communication Technology includes two aspects, namely the Information Technology and Communication Technology. Information Technology, covering all things related to the process, use as a tool, manipulation, and management of information. While Communication Technology is everything related to the use of tools to process and transfer data from one device to another.
Hence, Information Technology and Communication Technology is an integral equivalent containing the broader sense of any activity related to the processing, manipulation, management, and transfer / transfer of information among media.
In particular, the purpose of studying Information and Communication Technology are:
1. Makes us aware of the potential for the development of information and communication technology are constantly changing so motivated to evaluate and learn this technology as a foundation for lifelong learning.
2. Motivating our ability to be able to adapt to and anticipate the development of ICT, so that it can carry out and live life day to day activities independently and more confident.
3. Develop our competence in using ICT to support learning activities, work, and a variety of activities in their daily lives.
4. Develop ICT-based learning, so the learning process can be optimized, attractive, and we encourage more skilled in communicating, skilled organize information, and used to work together.
5. Develop self-learning ability, initiative, innovative, creative, and responsible in the use of Information and Communication Technology for learning, work, and everyday problem solving.
Understanding technology in general
• increase the value-added process
• products used and generated to facilitate and improve the performance of
• The structure or system in which the process and the product and used it dikembamngkan
Advances in technology is something we can not avoid in this life, because advances in technology will be run according to kemajuanm science. Each innovation was created to provide positive benefits to human life. Provide a lot of convenience, as well as a new way to human activity. Specialized in the field of technology people already enjoy many benefits brought by the innovations that have been produced in the last decade. However, although it was originally created to produce positive benefits, on the other hand is also used to allow negative things.
Therefore, in this paper we make an impact-positive and negative effects of technological advances in the understanding of human life from some of the above it appears that human life can not be separated from the technology. That is, that the technology is an overall way of rationally lead to the characteristic efficiency in every human activity.
Technological development occurs when someone uses tools and wits to solve any problems. For example, it can be argued the technology world expert opinion on technology development.
According B.J. Habiebie (1983: 14) there are eight rides transformation is a priority the development of technology, especially the technology industry, which is
(1) aircraft,
(2) maritime and shipbuilding,
(3) means of transportation,
(4) electronics and communication,
(5) energy,
(6) engineering,
(7) the tools and agricultural machinery, and
(8) defense and security.
Information Technology Application Type
Application of information technology is related to the application of computer technology and data communication in life. Almost all areas of life today can take advantage of computer technology. Some types of applications are:
1. Applications in science
An example is the application of astronomy (astrology).
2. Applications in the field of engineering / engineering
An example is the manufacture of robots with artificial intelligence that uses the concept of robot wiser.
3. Applications in the field of business / economics
An example is an e-business, e-marketing, e-commerce and others.
4. Applications in the field of public administration
An example is the application of the sale / distribution of goods, payroll applications, academic applications and other schools.
5. Applications in banking
Examples are e-banking, ATM, and m-banking.
6. Applications in education
Examples are e-learning (distance learning).
7. Applications in the areas of government
An example is the application of e-government and state-owned property inventory (IKMN).
8. Applications in the field of health / medical
Examples are pemeriksaane Kokar diogr af i is a non-invasive examination to establish the diagnosis of heart disease. By using this tool activity of the heart muscles can be viewed directly on the screen and the other monitor.
9. Applications in the field of industrial / manufacturing
An example is a computer simulation to test the design of the new system.
10. Applications in the field of transport
An example is the application to organize an airplane flight schedules.
11. Applications in the field of defense and security
An example is the application of data security with encryption systems.
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